Olen nimittäin jo pidempään halunnut kokeilla langan värjäystä ihan itse.
Löysinkin sivustoja kasveilla värjäämiseen, mitkä vaikuttivatkin varsin mielenkiintoisilta!
Valmiit värit olivat pehmeitä ja luonnollisia, mutta myös varsin värikkäitäkin!
Mutta sitten...
Törmäsin sivuun "Lankojen värjäys Kool-Aid -juomajauheilla".
Mitä ihmettä: kirkkaita värejä ja onnistuisi vaikka vaan mikrossa lämmittämällä?!
Olin totaalisesti koukutettu! ;oD
Vielä kun törmäsin helposti ymmärrettävään ja hauskaan ohjeeseen: "Ilun pieni koolausopas".
Ilu tosin opastaa keittämällä värjäämiseen - mikron sijaan siis.
Nyt on siis tilattava juomajauheita ja äkkiä, jotta pääsen keittelemään lankoja värikkääksi.
LISÄYS: Tilasin jo Kool-Aidia Muksuaitasta.
Ja voiko muuten osua paremmin:
Ostin hetki sitten Vapaavalinnasta kolme isoa 150 g:n kerää valkoista 7-Veljestä kympillä!
I looked for instructions for dyeing yarn through the net.
I have had for awhile now the desire to try dyeing my own yarns.
I did find fairly interesting sites that guided dyeing with plants!
The finished colors were soft and natural, but also unexpectedly colorful!
But then...
I crashed into a Finnish site about dyeing with Kool-Aid.
What on earth: brilliant colours and you can even do it with a microwave oven?!
I was instantly hooked! ;oD
And then I even found Ilu's guide for dyeing (in Finnish) which was fun and easy to read.
Although Ilu guides to dye by boiling, not microwaving that is.
Now I just have to order some Kool-Aids and quickly so I can boil some yarn!
ADDED: I already ordered Kool-Aid.
And could I get this any better:
Few weeks ago I bought three big 150g balls of white yarn and got them for ten euros!
I have had for awhile now the desire to try dyeing my own yarns.
I did find fairly interesting sites that guided dyeing with plants!
The finished colors were soft and natural, but also unexpectedly colorful!
But then...
I crashed into a Finnish site about dyeing with Kool-Aid.
What on earth: brilliant colours and you can even do it with a microwave oven?!
I was instantly hooked! ;oD
And then I even found Ilu's guide for dyeing (in Finnish) which was fun and easy to read.
Although Ilu guides to dye by boiling, not microwaving that is.
Now I just have to order some Kool-Aids and quickly so I can boil some yarn!
ADDED: I already ordered Kool-Aid.
And could I get this any better:
Few weeks ago I bought three big 150g balls of white yarn and got them for ten euros!